Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Neck Arthritis – New Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis UAE

 Cervical spondylosis often pointed to as “neck arthritis” is a general degenerative condition of the cervical spine and may be connected with mineral deposits in the cushions between the vertebrae. Clinically it manifests itself with symptoms such as neck and shoulder pain, suboccipital pain and headaches, radicular symptoms such as shooting pain down the arms. The bones and protective cartilage in your neck are prone to wear and tear that can have Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE.

Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE
Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE

In advance stages, it symptomatically manifests itself by: 

Some people who have it never experience symptoms. For others, it can make chronic, severe pain, and stiffness. However, several people who have it can conduct normal daily activities. 

  • Weakness or numbness in the hands, fingers, and arms of an individual. 

  • Headaches that spread out to the rear side of the head.

  • Losing one’s balance. 

  • If there is compression on the spinal cord, a loss of bowel or bladder controls. 

Symptoms of cervical spondylosis may appear in those as young as 30 years, and spondylosis usually starts earlier in men than in women with 90% onset older than 50 and 90% in women older than 60. In some patients, cervical spondylosis can start to narrow the spinal canal, resulting in pressure which may affect the strength to walk. Historically the Cervical Spondylosis treatment is wearing a cervical collar or neck brace in the day to lessen the motion of the neck as well as to reduce irritation to the nerves. Cervical collar immobilization treatments have several doubters of their efficacy. 

The taking of anti-inflammatory drugs that is non-steroidal like ibuprofen to provide relief for the pain and a physical therapist may also prescribe exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck as well as stretching of the shoulders and neck. Water sports or daily walking may also benefit in relieving the condition.

Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE
Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE

The new treatments include the value of at-home interferential therapy (IFT) to:

  • Reduce the pain throughout the painful areas

  • Increase the blood flow

  • Prevent muscle spasticity.

  • Provide holdover pain relief to slow the progression of the disease.

  • Increase range of motion through walking and rehab. Exercises can occur more frequently and for more extended periods.

  • Reduce swelling if inflammation is present.

The protocol to achieve the above is to have available a home interferential unit for use, on an as-required basis, as well as a preventive once the diagnosis is established. Exclusive use may prevent or retard eventual deterioration and symptomatic responses.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Checklist for choosing the best chiropractor UAE

 There are several why you have to choose the best chiropractor. Whatever your goals are, you have to memorize that you have to select the best chiropractor to get the most out of the expert service that they provide. Your logical first step is to check the listing of chiropractic services in the yellow pages and classified ads. A simple Google search can provide you with an “endless” stream of information and data about chiropractors in your community. However, what are you truly looking for when checking these listings of a chiropractor in your area?

What are your expectations when choosing your chiropractor? Naturally, you would want to get involved only with a chiropractor who is technically competent and experienced. 

Here are the essential things to consider when choosing your chiropractor. 

1. Consider a chiropractor who can help you to get your health goals

Your health goals should be your primordial concern when choosing your Back pain specialist in Dubai. Do you want immediate relief from the pain and strain that you are experiencing? Are you primarily concerned with wellness care? You must have to know what your requirements are and make sure that these will be identical to the services of the chiropractor. 

Back pain specialist Dubai
Back pain specialist Dubai

2. Appropriate examination before offering recommendations 

Your doctor must first diagnose your condition before making any recommendations for two reasons. First, your doctor must determine whether you require chiropractor treatment or not. Second, your doctor may discover other medical conditions that may entail the intervention of other medical health providers. 

3. Consider medical practitioners who monitor your progress

Chiropractors choose numerous tracking methods from the simplest to the more difficult types of methods. You have to engage the services of one that can closely and consistently track your progress. A great tracking process will typically include computerized medical evaluations, general postural analysis, and temperature measurements.

Best chiropractor UAE
Best chiropractor UAE

4. Perform X-ray operations

Contrary to popular belief, not all chiropractic clinics offer x-ray examinations. You have to understand the reasons why it is essential that you have to deal with clinics that offer this kind of service. X-rays can help to determine if your conditions would respond to the chiropractic intervention. This becomes extremely important for patients who have serious body trauma as a result of sports-related injuries, car crashes, and even roller-costar injuries. 

5. Verify past reviews

You can quickly verify if there are any complaints lodged upon an appropriate chiropractic care provider. A quick online can help you to determine if one had complaints lodged him or her. In addition to the 5 items listed here, you can also consider other things when searching for an adequate chiropractor operating in your area. You may check out recommendations or consider referrals of relatives, friends, and colleagues. The essential thing that you have to remember is that due diligence is an essential requirement in your search for qualified and Best chiropractor UAE.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Useful Tips for Choosing the Right Chiropractor

 If you are tired of taking unnecessary drugs for your pain or neck pain, you require consulting the finest chiropractor who has a good experience. Whether you have to decide on a food menu or the best dress for the party or choose the right chiropractor, making decisions is always complicated and difficult. 


You can see many ads or websites on the internet to find Best Chiropractor in Dubai near your place, but who is the right one for your big questions. Here are some useful tips to consider while selecting the right chiropractor for you. 

Best Chiropractor in Dubai
Best Chiropractor in Dubai

Find the right chiropractor.


Every chiropractor is specialized in a specific area for neck injuries, ankle sprain, child health, women health, etc. There are different chiropractors for different types of injuries/disorders. So it is essential to find the right type of chiropractor specializing in diagnosing the problem you have. This will be your first step while choosing the chiropractor for you. 

Make sure to get a certified chiropractor

Always be aware of the fake chiropractor who is practicing without any license. There are so numerous non-certified chiropractors out there. So, before getting an appointment, make sure that the chiropractor you have taken is the certified one.

Make sure the chiropractor takes an interest in you. Always go for a demo first before obtaining an appointment. It's essential to consult someone interested in treating you and not just getting money from your treatment. The bonding between a patient and a doctor is very crucial as it helps you heal fast. Circumstances like how your Chiropractic treatment UAE makes you feel relaxed and how much he is focusing on your injury. The very first encounter with your chiropractor tells a lot about him. So always go for a demo first.

Chiropractic treatment UAE
Chiropractic treatment UAE

Always check reviews. Reviews from the patients tell a lot regarding the chiropractor from whom they have treated. Checking reviews and testimonials are of great help and is one of the important factors to consider while choosing a Chiropractor Dubai for you.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Guide for Ensuring Chiropractic Treatment Is As Effective As Possible

 Visiting a chiropractor regularly is one of the best and smartest things you can do to reduce and eliminate neck or back pain. Additionally, this treatment will help you to maintain a good range of motion and flexibility. When you visit a chiropractor, they will suggest a specific treatment plan according to your condition. 

Your chiropractor will work with you to determine an exercise routine and nutritional changes that can be made to enhance the overall effectiveness of the provided Chiropractor Dubai. However, there are still a few things that you can do to ensure your chiropractor treatments are effective as possible.

Chiropractor Dubai
Chiropractor Dubai

These steps that you can take to ensure you receive optimum results from chiropractic treatment include: 

Express your symptoms in detail

If you want your chiropractor to provide the best possible treatment for your pain or problem, you must be as detailed as possible about the symptoms you are experiencing. 

In most cases, you will have a combination of treatments, which will work for your treatment if your particular problem is understood. Chiropractic care is a type of holistic healing, which means that all aspects of your life and health are considered when developing the treatment plan that will be used.

Keep Moving 

One of the goals of Chiropractic treatment UAE to ensure that you maintain your range of motion and flexibility. Always remember the adage. "Use it or lose it" To receive the most effective results from your chiropractic care, you require to combine the treatment with regular exercise. This will also ensure that the results from the treatment last as long as possible. 

Chiropractic treatment UAE
Chiropractic treatment UAE

Some precautions exercises that you should consider will stretch and strengthen the spine's muscles, not easy to fall out of alignment. When you follow your chiropractor's exercise suggestions, you will find that you experience less pain and recover faster from your specific problems.  

Consider getting a Massage. 

There are many cases where massage can be used to improve your chiropractor care. This is because it enhances the circulation of fluids and blood and restores the actual free flow of your nerve impulses. A massage can help break up adhesions in the fascia and help ensure your muscles remain moving properly. Besides, massage can help to ease the muscle tension and make joints easier to adjust. It is essential to discuss massage with your chiropractor before seeking the treatment.