Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Neck Arthritis – New Treatment of Cervical Spondylosis UAE

 Cervical spondylosis often pointed to as “neck arthritis” is a general degenerative condition of the cervical spine and may be connected with mineral deposits in the cushions between the vertebrae. Clinically it manifests itself with symptoms such as neck and shoulder pain, suboccipital pain and headaches, radicular symptoms such as shooting pain down the arms. The bones and protective cartilage in your neck are prone to wear and tear that can have Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE.

Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE
Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE

In advance stages, it symptomatically manifests itself by: 

Some people who have it never experience symptoms. For others, it can make chronic, severe pain, and stiffness. However, several people who have it can conduct normal daily activities. 

  • Weakness or numbness in the hands, fingers, and arms of an individual. 

  • Headaches that spread out to the rear side of the head.

  • Losing one’s balance. 

  • If there is compression on the spinal cord, a loss of bowel or bladder controls. 

Symptoms of cervical spondylosis may appear in those as young as 30 years, and spondylosis usually starts earlier in men than in women with 90% onset older than 50 and 90% in women older than 60. In some patients, cervical spondylosis can start to narrow the spinal canal, resulting in pressure which may affect the strength to walk. Historically the Cervical Spondylosis treatment is wearing a cervical collar or neck brace in the day to lessen the motion of the neck as well as to reduce irritation to the nerves. Cervical collar immobilization treatments have several doubters of their efficacy. 

The taking of anti-inflammatory drugs that is non-steroidal like ibuprofen to provide relief for the pain and a physical therapist may also prescribe exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck as well as stretching of the shoulders and neck. Water sports or daily walking may also benefit in relieving the condition.

Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE
Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE

The new treatments include the value of at-home interferential therapy (IFT) to:

  • Reduce the pain throughout the painful areas

  • Increase the blood flow

  • Prevent muscle spasticity.

  • Provide holdover pain relief to slow the progression of the disease.

  • Increase range of motion through walking and rehab. Exercises can occur more frequently and for more extended periods.

  • Reduce swelling if inflammation is present.

The protocol to achieve the above is to have available a home interferential unit for use, on an as-required basis, as well as a preventive once the diagnosis is established. Exclusive use may prevent or retard eventual deterioration and symptomatic responses.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Checklist for choosing the best chiropractor UAE

 There are several why you have to choose the best chiropractor. Whatever your goals are, you have to memorize that you have to select the best chiropractor to get the most out of the expert service that they provide. Your logical first step is to check the listing of chiropractic services in the yellow pages and classified ads. A simple Google search can provide you with an “endless” stream of information and data about chiropractors in your community. However, what are you truly looking for when checking these listings of a chiropractor in your area?

What are your expectations when choosing your chiropractor? Naturally, you would want to get involved only with a chiropractor who is technically competent and experienced. 

Here are the essential things to consider when choosing your chiropractor. 

1. Consider a chiropractor who can help you to get your health goals

Your health goals should be your primordial concern when choosing your Back pain specialist in Dubai. Do you want immediate relief from the pain and strain that you are experiencing? Are you primarily concerned with wellness care? You must have to know what your requirements are and make sure that these will be identical to the services of the chiropractor. 

Back pain specialist Dubai
Back pain specialist Dubai

2. Appropriate examination before offering recommendations 

Your doctor must first diagnose your condition before making any recommendations for two reasons. First, your doctor must determine whether you require chiropractor treatment or not. Second, your doctor may discover other medical conditions that may entail the intervention of other medical health providers. 

3. Consider medical practitioners who monitor your progress

Chiropractors choose numerous tracking methods from the simplest to the more difficult types of methods. You have to engage the services of one that can closely and consistently track your progress. A great tracking process will typically include computerized medical evaluations, general postural analysis, and temperature measurements.

Best chiropractor UAE
Best chiropractor UAE

4. Perform X-ray operations

Contrary to popular belief, not all chiropractic clinics offer x-ray examinations. You have to understand the reasons why it is essential that you have to deal with clinics that offer this kind of service. X-rays can help to determine if your conditions would respond to the chiropractic intervention. This becomes extremely important for patients who have serious body trauma as a result of sports-related injuries, car crashes, and even roller-costar injuries. 

5. Verify past reviews

You can quickly verify if there are any complaints lodged upon an appropriate chiropractic care provider. A quick online can help you to determine if one had complaints lodged him or her. In addition to the 5 items listed here, you can also consider other things when searching for an adequate chiropractor operating in your area. You may check out recommendations or consider referrals of relatives, friends, and colleagues. The essential thing that you have to remember is that due diligence is an essential requirement in your search for qualified and Best chiropractor UAE.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Useful Tips for Choosing the Right Chiropractor

 If you are tired of taking unnecessary drugs for your pain or neck pain, you require consulting the finest chiropractor who has a good experience. Whether you have to decide on a food menu or the best dress for the party or choose the right chiropractor, making decisions is always complicated and difficult. 


You can see many ads or websites on the internet to find Best Chiropractor in Dubai near your place, but who is the right one for your big questions. Here are some useful tips to consider while selecting the right chiropractor for you. 

Best Chiropractor in Dubai
Best Chiropractor in Dubai

Find the right chiropractor.


Every chiropractor is specialized in a specific area for neck injuries, ankle sprain, child health, women health, etc. There are different chiropractors for different types of injuries/disorders. So it is essential to find the right type of chiropractor specializing in diagnosing the problem you have. This will be your first step while choosing the chiropractor for you. 

Make sure to get a certified chiropractor

Always be aware of the fake chiropractor who is practicing without any license. There are so numerous non-certified chiropractors out there. So, before getting an appointment, make sure that the chiropractor you have taken is the certified one.

Make sure the chiropractor takes an interest in you. Always go for a demo first before obtaining an appointment. It's essential to consult someone interested in treating you and not just getting money from your treatment. The bonding between a patient and a doctor is very crucial as it helps you heal fast. Circumstances like how your Chiropractic treatment UAE makes you feel relaxed and how much he is focusing on your injury. The very first encounter with your chiropractor tells a lot about him. So always go for a demo first.

Chiropractic treatment UAE
Chiropractic treatment UAE

Always check reviews. Reviews from the patients tell a lot regarding the chiropractor from whom they have treated. Checking reviews and testimonials are of great help and is one of the important factors to consider while choosing a Chiropractor Dubai for you.

Friday, December 4, 2020

Guide for Ensuring Chiropractic Treatment Is As Effective As Possible

 Visiting a chiropractor regularly is one of the best and smartest things you can do to reduce and eliminate neck or back pain. Additionally, this treatment will help you to maintain a good range of motion and flexibility. When you visit a chiropractor, they will suggest a specific treatment plan according to your condition. 

Your chiropractor will work with you to determine an exercise routine and nutritional changes that can be made to enhance the overall effectiveness of the provided Chiropractor Dubai. However, there are still a few things that you can do to ensure your chiropractor treatments are effective as possible.

Chiropractor Dubai
Chiropractor Dubai

These steps that you can take to ensure you receive optimum results from chiropractic treatment include: 

Express your symptoms in detail

If you want your chiropractor to provide the best possible treatment for your pain or problem, you must be as detailed as possible about the symptoms you are experiencing. 

In most cases, you will have a combination of treatments, which will work for your treatment if your particular problem is understood. Chiropractic care is a type of holistic healing, which means that all aspects of your life and health are considered when developing the treatment plan that will be used.

Keep Moving 

One of the goals of Chiropractic treatment UAE to ensure that you maintain your range of motion and flexibility. Always remember the adage. "Use it or lose it" To receive the most effective results from your chiropractic care, you require to combine the treatment with regular exercise. This will also ensure that the results from the treatment last as long as possible. 

Chiropractic treatment UAE
Chiropractic treatment UAE

Some precautions exercises that you should consider will stretch and strengthen the spine's muscles, not easy to fall out of alignment. When you follow your chiropractor's exercise suggestions, you will find that you experience less pain and recover faster from your specific problems.  

Consider getting a Massage. 

There are many cases where massage can be used to improve your chiropractor care. This is because it enhances the circulation of fluids and blood and restores the actual free flow of your nerve impulses. A massage can help break up adhesions in the fascia and help ensure your muscles remain moving properly. Besides, massage can help to ease the muscle tension and make joints easier to adjust. It is essential to discuss massage with your chiropractor before seeking the treatment. 

Monday, November 2, 2020

How chiropractor services work and what chiropractor tests are for?

 The basic principle of Best Spine and Joint Chiropractor in Dubai is that living a pain-free life in a state of overall general health and well-being depends, at least in part on having a spine that moves properly. Proper motion of the spine contributes to proper alignment of the body, good posture, and body balance. Chiropractors test for the misaligned spine and correct misalignments with the chiropractor's adjustments. 

A chiropractor provides their services which are centered on helping the spine to move as nature intended. When the spine does not experience proper motion pain can result in many areas of the body and even cause issues with nerve endings, joints, ligaments, and muscles. 

Best Spine and Joint Chiropractor in Dubai

Some of the common areas of the body where Back pain is felt due to a spine that is not moving properly are the back, neck, and head. Extremities such as pain in the hands and wrists or even down the leg are also common areas for pain because of a problem in the spine. 

The primary way a chiropractor helps his or her parents get out of pain is by providing what is referred to as chiropractor adjustments. Importantly this is a gentle and effective way of manipulating the spine so that restrictions in the joints of the spine are removed and it becomes properly aligned. 

 Many patients choose this form of pain treatment because it is a non-surgical and drug-free method of getting pain relief. Numerous other people could be helped by chiropractic adjustments, but they are simply unaware of the connection between a properly aligned spine and the Neck pain they may be experiencing. This is not to say that all cases of pain can be completely corrected by a chiropractor.

Back pain

Common Chiropractic Tests a Chiropractor Performs

In order to determine if the root cause of someones' pain is due to their spine not moving properly, there are a number of tests a chiropractor may perform.

A simple visual observation by a chiropractor while the patient is both standing and walking can help the chiropractor assess posture and well as possible spinal misalignment. Analyzing the mechanics of how the body moves in these ways are just the initial steps he or she will take.

A chiropractor will also take a detailed look at your spine from top to bottom. He or she will begin at your neck and then work down to your mid spine and, finally, the lower spine. All the while, he or she will be looking for areas where the joints do not move as they should. He or she will also take note of spasms in the muscles as well as any signs of injury to ligaments or discs.

In addition, some chiropractors use advanced computerized equipment such as electromyography or spinal thermography equipment in order to get an unbiased pin point analysis of exactly where restrictions are in the spine that would be causing pain.

Every part of a chiropractor exam is an essential piece of the puzzle in determining the root cause of pain. This is considered by many to be the most important step in getting pain relief because without knowing the exact cause of pain, it is very difficult to get pain relief.


Friday, October 23, 2020

Know About Cervical Spondylosis and their Myths and Facts


As we Orthopaedicians describe, Cervical Spondylosis is the degenerative difference in the cervical spine vertebrae, often presenting on X-ray film as an excess bone formation vertebral body margins due to a chronic degenerative pathology. So, a modern patient with acute encounter neck pain, living diagnosed as Cervical Spondylosis is a Misnomer.

An X-ray sheet of the Neck is a significant primary test to diagnose cervical Spondylosis. It often performs with Chronic, massive aching pain, which aggravates with the utmost of movement. Using a collar offers more psychological reassurance than honestly treating the pathology. A soft/stiff collar is more effective in treating the Neck's acute muscle spasms, usually precipitated by some injury or acute disc prolapse. In such cases, we recommend the restriction of neck movements to prevent further damage.

Two more synonymous names that need a mention are- Spondylitis and Spondylolisthesis. The above is an inflammation of the vertebra's spinous processes, while the following suggests abnormal translation of one vertebra over another, managing to a loss of sagittal balance.


While ventral Bone spurs develop, spinal cord space shrinks, causing myelopathy. Cervical spondylosis myelopathy is the result of several path physiological factors. These factors include:

static-mechanical factors,

dynamic-mechanical factors

Lesions stretch

Spinal cord ischemia

The chosen Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE has supervised physiotherapy. Gentle stretching practices, along with Isometric exercises of the Neck, help improve para-vertebral muscles' muscle condition. Heat treatment in the form of Interferential therapy (IFT) and Ultrasonic therapy also help alleviate the symptoms.

Patients with long-standing symptoms often develop multiple level disc bulges with desiccation (dryness of disc), as evident on the MRI. If challenging, it may produce condensation on the exiting nerve root and create tingling and paralysis in the upper limbs.

Surgical treatment is suitable for those with only or two-level disc bulges, wherein a union of the vertebrae may be performed with or without instrumentation.

Cervical disc replacement is a novel treatment given to those with single level circle prolapse without excessive facet joint arthritis. It provides reasonable movement at the vertebral interface and is better tolerated by the younger dynamic population.

Cervical disc replacement is a novel treatment offered to those with single level disc prolapsed and without excessive facet joint arthritis. It delivers reasonable movement at the vertebral interface and is better tolerated by the younger active population.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Are you looking Professional Best chiropractor in UAE?

Things to Consider in Finding the Best chiropractor UAE

With the number of individuals affected by back pain increasing per annum, so too does the number of chiropractors. Many people are not sure what to look out for when choosing a good chiropractor and we will give you some helpful advice when comes to making the right decision for you. The first step to know how to choose a good chiropractor is to know if you require one in the first place.

Chiropractors are trained to control your spine to assist the vertebrae to sit well and for everything to be within the right position. It is normally the wrong positioning of some bone, ligament, or muscle that's causing your back pain problem and this is often where an honest chiropractor is going to be able to help and ease your sufferings.

Many Best chiropractor UAE will start with a discussion to determine your exact requirements and to find out more about how they can help you let’s start with a few simple ways to determine if your chiropractor is good. 


It's an adage but you should look for honesty in a chiropractor. If your chiropractor is honest and best, they will recommend the best and affordable treatment with immediate results. If they recommend that you take supplements, a good and honest chiropractor will recommend the cheapest and best place to buy them instead of offering their meds and supplements. 

Many chiropractors lied and they offer the patient a package of a set number of sessions and treatment. This is not a good sign, especially if they have yet to see how you are responding to any treatment so far and long. If a package is offered before they have a chance to determine your accurate issues and problems, it is not a good sign. If the chiropractor realizes that they will not help you and refer you to another specialist, will shows an honest approach and a definite good sign.


If you hear about a chiropractor being recommended by a friend or family member, that's a good sign. The majority of good chiropractors don't have to advertise as they have built up an excellent reputation from their previous and current clients. This is the best sign that you have found the best chiropractor in UAE.

Chiropractic Techniques 

Different chiropractors use different techniques so it is important to know what they specialize in before choosing to work with one.

The right treatment in the right place 

The right treatment in the right place if you've got a drag with a selected area of your back, then that's the world that ought to be treated. Be wary of a chiropractor that recommends that you have treatment in a part of your back that has no problems with. In this case, it is better to seek a second opinion.

Not afraid to refer to another specialist 

While many chiropractors want to keep any clients they have, the reality is that they cannot treat all situations. If your chiropractor identifies any underlying problem that's causing your back problem, you ought to then be mentioned another specialist to affect this. A chiropractor who tries to stay the client, albeit the condition isn't relevant to his area of experience isn't honest.

These are key signs of the best chiropractor; you have to keep this in mind before choosing any chiropractor because it also risks your health if you choose the wrong one.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Do You Really Need A Back Pain Specialist Dubai?


Since back torment is such a typical disease, one may expect that your overall specialist or internist is a specialist with regards to treating your back. This isn't really obvious. By the by, beginning with your essential doctor is the spot to preclude different issues that may influence your spine, for example, torment starting somewhere else in your body that may harrow the back. While an overall professional is anything but a back torment authority, he can analyze a squeezed nerve or sickness that may create back agony. Commonly, an outing to your essential parental figure settles the spinal pain issues. Yet, in the event that the back agony actually continues, you will most presumably be alluded to a Back pain specialist Dubai.


As a rule, your family specialist is probably going to allude you to a Chiropractic Dubai, a back torment expert who is equipped for treating intense back torment. One of the advantages of seeing an alignment specialist is that he doesn't underline on medications to cover torment manifestations and regularly offers non-careful medicines.


Another sort of back torment authority that is suggested for back help with discomfort, is osteopaths. An osteopath takes a gander at a patient's domain, for example, stress and mishaps, alongside the psychosocial just as the physical components. Despite the fact that an osteopath may endorse medicine or medical procedure, his accentuation is on rectifying the basic issues in the body.


Back torment victims favor physiatrists, as they are adroit at treating back and neck torment with an assortment of non-careful alternatives, including exercise based recuperation and infusions. Some physiatrists have a subspecialty in sports medication while others can regulate infusions, for example, epidural supports. These back agony pros are likewise liable to tailor an activity program for your spinal pain.


What's more, an orthopedist is an authority that frequently treats a scope of illnesses, from the straightforward back agony, herniated circle with a squeezed nerve to extreme spine irregularity and issues. They may endorse medications or solicitation a total workup to incorporate a standard orthopedic test, a CAT examination, or an MRI. In the event that you need a medical procedure of any sort or a burst circle, seeing an orthopedist is your most ideal choice.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Understanding Best chiropractors and their treatments related to back


Bone and joint specialists utilize methods that center on the treatment and anticipation of the sensory system and musculoskeletal framework issues. Chiropractictreatment UAE frequently incorporates particular treatment to the spine using spinal control and delicate tissue treatment which helps the supporting structures encompassing the spine. Individuals frequently have an effective treatment that are enduring yet not restricted to migraines, neck torment, back torment, and joint torment in the legs or arms.


Chiropractic treatment UAE

ChiropracticDubai is exceptionally prepared to perform hands-on control utilizing a high speed, short switch approach that is applied to the tissue regions of the spine that are skewed or focused. A few bone and joint specialists use unique altering instruments to do likewise. The fundamental objectives are to re-establish ordinary arrangement, lessen nerve disturbance, improve movement and decrease worry off of the encompassing delicate tissue. Spinal control is also called a chiropractic alteration.


A few examinations consider upholding the utilization of Chiropractic Dubai care for the treatment of low back agony. A few driving specialists and distributed rules prescribe chiropractic care to be remembered for the beginning phases of care for low back torment. Notwithstanding spinal control, numerous alignment specialists additionally offer other helpful social insurance administrations. Exercise-based recuperation modalities are frequently used by alignment specialists to help mend harmed delicate tissue which is regular with spinal issues and to lessen aggravation. A portion of these might incorporate electric incitement, ultrasound, foothold, and cold laser treatment.


Chiropractic treatment regularly includes practice guidance from the specialist. Guess is frequently enormously improved by including works out. Activities may incorporate cardiovascular, fortifying, and stretches to help stretch muscles, improve the scope of movement, and improve pose. Activities can be powerful to fortify muscles that are feeble along the spine or pelvis. Center fortifying activities are critical to helping settle the spine and forestall future issues. Best bone and joint specialist additionally endorses curve upholds which help to balance out the pelvis and spine.


Alignment specialists likewise train their patients in appropriate ergonomics, for example, great stance and lifting propensities to forestall and help issues from happening. A case of this may incorporate how to sit at the PC appropriately without slumping and legitimate utilization of the console.


Bone and joint specialists may likewise prescribe a way of life adjustments to help improve wellbeing, for example, diet and dietary projects. Stoutness is frequently connected with low back torment. Best chiropractor Dubai utilizes common strategies that help the body's capacity to recuperate it. They don't endorse medications or medical procedures in their training. They work with other human services experts and allude to them when fundamental.

Best Chiropractor

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Where and How To Find the Best Chiropractor Dubai

Finding the best chiropractor near me can sometimes be a bit of a challenge. Especially if you live in Dubai locality, where there are such a number of chiropractors to choose from that the selection can often be overwhelming. While one may want to have the best chiropractor in their area, not all chiropractors are created equally.


Chiropractic Dubai

When it comes to Chiropractic Dubai, only one thing's for sure and that's effectiveness. Whether you have a physical problem or just a lack of range of motion, a good chiropractor is the one who is going to be able to treat you with as much care as they would if they were dealing with someone who had an illness.

For instance, if you have a headache and want a chiropractor to give you an injection of lidocaine to numb the pain, chances are, the chiropractor won't do this because they don't do injections. It's not a good practice and something which is going to cost you money.


If, however, the chiropractor is going to use some form of manipulation on your back or spine then he or she will inject you with lidocaine to help you with the pain. This is done through either an intravenous needle into a syringe or a drip. You should never feel any pain when using a chiropractor for care because you don't hurt them.


The best chiropractor is also going to be able to fix your problems in the most effective way possible. If you're having trouble breathing, the chiropractor might use a mask to help keep the airway open. If you need to move your jaw joint or dislocate a joint, the chiropractor might do some sort of joint manipulation to correct the problem.


And the most important part of all is that your Back pain specialist Dubai can help you in the long run. He or she can help you to build up your strength and endurance which will mean less pain on the days when you can't use your joints and muscles. And the best part is that you'll never experience those aches again after the initial treatment has ended.


Back pain specialist Dubai

A bad chiropractor can end up costing you a lot of money in the long run. The good news is that with the technology available these days, you can find a great chiropractor at a reasonable price and still get the same level of care from them that a doctor would give you.


There are various online resources that can help you with finding the chiropractor you need in your area. Some of them charge a small fee for each visit, but there are others that offer several different types of payment options to fit your budget.


Don't be afraid to take your time before choosing a local chiropractor. By taking the time to investigate their credentials, reputation, and other factors, you're going to get the best chiropractor possible for your needs.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Chiropractic Treatment, Its Popularity and Impact of Technology

Dates back to the 18th century, Chiropractic treatment in dubai has once again gained vast popularity in the recent decade. This alternative form of medicine is preferred by a significant population for the cure of diseases pertaining to the neuromusculoskeletal system. Many people prefer chiropractic as the usual medical procedures fail to diagnose and cure the diseases in an appropriate manner. This mode of treatment can be the best choice for many of the problems including back pain, which cannot be completely cured by the conventional methods of medicine.

chiropractic treatment in dubai
chiropractic treatment in dubai

Growing popularity

Aging and accidents can impact your health in a very drastic manner. Getting proper treatment to restore your health is very important in such situations. In some of the cases, the usual treatment procedures only provide temporary relief to the problems by giving inflammatory drugs and pain killers. This is when chiropractic can work as an ideal aid. This form of treatment has the capability to cure physical and mental disorders in a prompt manner.

Accidents can cause joint injuries, whiplash, lower back, and middle back pains, damage of tissues, ligaments, and bones. As the normal treatments can't give a permanent cure, scars are formed in the tissues. During chiropractic treatment, these problems can be given a permanent cure. Soft tissue release used in the chiropractic recovers the muscle strength and smooth functioning of tissues. Another positive fact is that this treatment procedure doesn't have any side effects.
Therapy of the spine, tissues, and joints, as well as health procedures and exercises, is also part of the procedure. Cure for many chronic diseases and pain reduction can also be done through chiropractic. Through various treatment procedures adopted, the smooth flow of blood and lymph fluids is ensured. Depression, sleep disorders, lower back pain, and neck pain can also be treated using this procedure. The immunity level can also be enhanced.


Technology has also aided in improving the quality of chiropractic treatments. Highly sophisticated and specialized chiropractic table, diagnostic procedures like radiography and thermography, ancillary equipment including spine massaging tables, exercise equipment, traction tables, mechanical aides, and electro-stimulation and heat equipment are used for the treatment.

Choosing the best practitioner

The demand for Best Chiropractor in Dubai has increased manifold and this has resulted in an abundance of places where the treatment is offered. However, with growing competition, unhealthy trends are also prevailing in the industry. This will have a bad effect on the patients. So, the treatment must be taken from an experienced chiropractic practitioner in order to avoid the risk involved and achieve a positive result.
Looking for the best chiropractor in Dubai, Dr.Ayhem Sabry is the one who can treat professionally.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Understanding the Various Types of Back Pain Specialist

Back pain is considered to be one of the most common complaints. It is estimated that over sixty percent of the population have suffered from back pain to some degree, resulting in a visit to their general practitioner. However, if the back pain has become acute or persistent, you may need the services of a back pain specialist.

A back pain specialist Dubai is a doctor or medical practitioner whose area of expertise is diagnosing and treating back pain. However, there are a number of different types of back pain specialist. Therefore it is important to understand the roles each of these specialists could play in your recovery.


Best Spine and Joint Chiropractor in Dubai are health care professionals who aim to treat the pain using alternative or non-traditional methods. Their area of specialty is the treatment and diagnosis of neuromuscular issues. Their treatment methods are designed to improve mobility and alleviate pain using manual adjustment to realign the spine. They may also provide guidance as to how to treat the pain and relieve the underlying problem using exercise or other complementary therapies.

Orthopedic Specialist

Orthopedic doctors and surgeons are trained in the field of musculoskeletal injuries, stress and issues. Orthopedic specialists often treat sports injuries but they can also provide treatment for other musculoskeletal conditions, through medication, therapy or corrective surgery


If you are having back pain related to arthritis, it may be advisable to see a rheumatologist. This type of specialist can provide a diagnosis and treatment plan for a number of different conditions including osteoarthritis, tendonitis, fibromyaligia and persistent discomfort.

Many of these conditions are very difficult to identify and diagnose, so a rheumatologist may work in concert with other specialist to determine the underlying issue before developing a treatment plan which is best suited to the specific requirements of the patient.

Physio Therapists

Many physio therapists are not actually medical doctors but they can assist patients struggling with pain issues after an injury or surgery. Often physio therapy is prescribed by a medical doctor to complement a treatment plan. The physio therapist can help to improve mobility and teach methods of movement to avoid an injury reoccurring in the future.

If you are struggling with persistent or chronic pain, you may wish to see a back pain specialist. However, your first consultation should be with your regular health care professional. Your medical doctor can eliminate potential underlying causes and provide guidance as to whether a back pain specialist could be able to help you with your issue.

This may involve some basic tests to rule out any underlying medical issues such as infections in order to obtain a more accurate diagnosis. It is important to ensure that you take the initial step to establish the underlying cause of your pain.
Your health care professional can also provide guidance as to which type of specialist would be best suited to assist you. Whether you would prefer an alternative drug free treatment protocol or prefer conventional treatment methods, a proper diagnosis is needed to proceed. Get best treatments from Joint Chiropractic Rehab Clinic UAE at affordable prices.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

New Treatment for Neck Arthritis - Cervical Spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis often referred to as "neck arthritis", is a common degenerative condition of the cervical spine and may be associated with mineral deposits in the cushions between the vertebrae. Clinically it manifests itself with symptoms such as neck and shoulder pain, suboccipital pain and headaches, radicular symptoms such as shooting pain down the arms.

In advanced stages, it symptomatically manifests itself by:

  • Weakness or numbness in the hands, fingers, and arms.
  • Pain in the neck that spreads to the shoulders as well as the arms.
  • Headaches that spread to the rear side of the head.
  • Losing one's balance.
  • If there is pressure on the spinal cord, weakness, or numbness in the legs.
  • If there is compression on the spinal cord, losses of bowel or bladder control.

Symptoms of cervical spondylosis may appear in those as young as 30 years, and spondylosis usually starts earlier in men than in women with 90% onset in men older than 50 and 90% in women older than 60. In some patients, cervical spondylosis can lead to narrowing of the spinal canal which results in pressure which may affect the ability to walk.

Historically the general treatments are wearing a cervical collar or neck brace in the day time in order to lessen the motion of the neck as well as to reduce irritation to the nerves. Cervical collar immobilization treatments have many doubters of its efficacy. The taking of anti-inflammatory drugs that are nonsteroidal like ibuprofen in order to provide relief for the pain and a physical therapist may also prescribe exercises to strengthen the muscles of the neck as well as stretch the shoulders and neck. Water aerobics or walking may also help in relieving the condition.

Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE
Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE

If it is a more severe case then hospitalization may be required consisting of bed rest or prescription drugs such as cyclobenzaprine or methocarbamol, especially if spasticity is an issue exacerbating the pain. Corticosteroid injections may be required between the facet joints as well as the use of localized anesthesia to reduce the pain and inflammation.

The New Cervical Spondylosis treatment UAE involves the use of at-home interferential therapy (IFT) to:

  • Decrease the pain throughout the painful areas
  • Increase the blood flow
  • Prevent muscle spasticity
  • Provide carryover pain relief to slow the progression of the disease
  • Increase range of motion so walking and rehab. Exercises can occur more frequently and for longer time periods.
  • Decrease swelling if inflammation is present.

The protocol to achieve the above is to have available a home interferential unit for use, on an as-needed basis, as well as a preventive once the diagnosis is established. Occasional use may prevent or retard future deterioration and symptomatic responses.